Sunday, June 16, 2013

Girls growing up

Yesterday we were all siting down at the table eating our lunch and Seylah did or said one of her words, and Emma says "Seya your funny" LOL
Your father and I were cracking up!
Now this is one of the many funny things you have been saying Emma.

We like to tell you what's going to happen or what we "are going to do before we do it. So for example if you gotta go night-night we say "Ok Emma after eating this or after watching this we are going upstairs and brush your teeth and go night-night" And you say "okay mami"
And sometimes you even tell me what you want to happen. The other day I said "okay is time for night-night" LOL but you said "no mami i want snack then night-night....okay"
Oh how precious it is when you say that.

Other things you say;

  • your using the tablet papi?...okay
  • is loading but you say "is joyin"
  • and you scold me and everyone....a lot with attitude to back that up LOL
  • grrrr did I scared you, did I scared you
Emma you are just talking so much much more with surprisingly words, words I didn't even know you knew.
You are so bright and beautiful and I'm completely in love with this little girl God has given to us.

Seylah you don't stay far behind!
You my dear are saying more words than ever. It was not to long ago that you even started talking!!!!
Among your favorites is;
  • don't touch it....oh and you definitely have attitude when you say it, with pucker lips and hand gestures!
  • you say mimi for mini mouse 
  • and you stared to say I love you, I just don't know how to spell the way you say it LOL
I was watching home videos the other day of when you girls were babies!!!
And how this time is so precious, and it doesn't last very long. 
How awesome and bless that I am to be able to stay at home and raise you girls and get to know you both.

Love you both,


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