Saturday, November 30, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 30

Today my sisters, the kids and I went to SeaWorld! And it was so much fun, the fact that the weather was beautiful was a plus! Christmas was definitely in the air :). Everything looked so beautiful. 

I am thankful for fun times. How boring will life be if there is no fun and play and just work!
The girls had so much fun walking a little bit, seeing the penguins, sharks, walrus, wales! 
Seylah and I were looking trough the window to see if we see a walrus....and out of no wear it swam right in front of us scaring Seylah and me, but the cutest thing was Seylah jumping back and saying "it scae me" (that's the way she says scare) with her little hands over her chest. 

Then we saw clips of the movie "The Polar Express" they got to see Santa, but the line was too long and it was going to be impossible to wait for another line with the girls and my nephew Leon. So we moved along to the kiddie rides! 

The last show we saw "Winter Wonderland" this was my first time seeing people skate on ice. It was so beautiful! The little ones didn't last very long, after all it was 10:00 pm and they were out!
It all ended with fireworks. 

The only thing that made this day bummy, the hubby was working so he couldn't join us.
We caped the night off with hot chocolate and some buttery bread (not the healthiest) but oh so delicious!

Emma loves to hold the map!

Friday, November 29, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 29

Yesterday was such a wonderful day, so happy to share this day with all my sisters, brother and their family! Wow we are so blessed!
Bless to have an amazing father and mother who has taught us well.
Bless to have such wonderful sisters and brother that you can count on no matter what.
No matter how distant we were before we are always close.
And this year we finally were able to celebrate Thanksgiving together. Although I miss Jay's family and the traditional football game on Thanksgiving day, that was always fun!
I'm really glad I got to spend it with my family along side my daddy (you could say I'm a daddy's girl) and the rest!

Today I'm thankful for leftovers :) Boy am I full!
God is good!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 28

I know, I thought the same thing if they are full why will they eat?!
But this was a nice message to remind us that Thanksgiving is not about the turkey and the good food, (mmmm the good yummy food!) but about what God has given us and blessed us with, and perhaps bless others who are not as fortunate as we are.

Being thankful should not be just for one month or one day out of the year, but everyday out of the year. We have much to be thankful for and at times with the stress of life we forget how blessed we are.

So today on this day of Thanksgiving I am sincerely thankful for my unbelievably wonderful family and for the many blessings my God has given me and my family....

I'm truly full!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 27

It's always good to know that you are going somewhere for the Holidays. Not saying that staying is a bad thing, but it just feels nice meeting up with the fam.

It was a late night with my sister and brother in-law. We love spending time talking and just hanging out with them. I am thankful for them and more importantly I'm thankful that this year they were not in the hospital with my nephew. Last year and I think the year before that they were celebrating Thanksgiving in the hospital. And this year the good Lord had given us the privilege to spend time with them!
I thank God for my sister Arizaida and her beautiful family!

I just had to add this one because she looks so beautiful!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 25 and 26

Day 25

I Am so thankful for a husband who cleans the bathrooms! Yeah I may
 have to remind him sometimes, but never the less it gets done. Thank you Jesus for that. I'm in a cleaning mood today, so my hubby helped out with that.

I wish I can follow these guidelines that I've read in other blogs, gosh but I feel like I'll never get it done that way. SO I clean when I can't stand the mess anymore.....which it doesn't take long for me to get agitated of the mess. And I'm also teaching the girls to clean before nap time and before gets a little challenging, but it gets done.

Day 26

Today we had a house full of hormones four little girls and the mamas!!! It was a fun playdate for me and the girls. We had so much fun, just chilling and getting to know each other.
Homemade pizza, delicious salad, followed by dirt and slides, climbs and dog petting, falling and some crying, even laughs thats what I like to call....the park!

Seylah was very fond of a little boy who was walking by with his mom, she grabbed him by his arm and was pulling him...I think this is how it begins. Oh no!!!!

Talking to Lisandra looks like I'll be spreading my DIYnes projects and helping her out with hers! Sounds like soooo much fun, who new that doing projects could be this much fun.
I thank God for other mommy friends who can understand us and be there for us when we need it!

Chuks!!! I forgot to take pictures :(

Well at the end of the day I had 3 calm kids and an early bed time for them since there was no nap time today. It was so nice and peaceful before Jay came home, dinner made and a wife ready to work out with the hubs! I could get used to this schedule....however Jay not so happy he didn't get that welcoming from the girls "PAPI your home" He was sad, so this will be once in a blue moon schedule. 

So I guess I'm thankful for play dates and an early bedtime! :)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 22.23 and 24

Day 22

There is always something you can be thankful for, something so simple as my hands that I have hands to write, to hug my love ones, to clean and make a nice environment for my family, to sew, to do projects in the house, to cook! Or my feet that I am able to walk, run, jump, workout, extend a leg out to my hubby while in bed. :)
So thank you Lord for my hands and feet!

Day 23

Today I want to which my mother in-law a Happy Birthday! Usually my husband and I get some poinsettias and go to her house to spend some time with her, but things have change and now we are miles away. 
So I want to thank God for such a wonderful mother in-law. At times when I was sick, or I needed someone to stay with the girls she was there for me. Bringing me a yummy chicken soup and watching the girls while I do groceries :). Is always the little thing that count and when gone so very much missed!
Thank you Lord for my mother in-law!

Day 24

Plain and simple I'm thankful for God's grace, that is given to us freely, what a wonderful gift from above!
Ephesians 2:8-9 says "For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast."
2 Corinthians 9:8 says " And God is able to make all grace abound to you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed;"
Isn't God so amazing!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 21

I have been praying for God to bring me a friend, someone that shares the same belief as I do. Because of my big move to Florida I have left behind wonderful friendships and although we are miles apart, we will always be close, I still want a friend I can talk to and chill with here in Florida.
I believe that, that prayer has been answered!
In the book I have been reading "What husband needs from his wife" by Melanie Chitwood, she talks about a helper needs a friend. And if you don't have one to ask God for one!

She shares that a woman needs her friends to hold her hands up as she seeks to be the kind of wife God wants her to be and her husband needs her to be. We need women friends who will lovingly hold us accountable to God's standards. "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" Proverbs 27:17. We need like-minded friends, friends who also seek to be godly wives.

So I thank God for a new friendship and hopefully many more to come!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 20

I am thankful for all that my God has given me. Today we put up the Christmas tree and all the decorations. And it just dawn on me....that I am so bless! We have all these....things and sometimes I complain because I don't have this or that. And yet here I am at home and I have so much, and so much to be thankful for. I just gotta remind myself sometimes and not take what I have for granted. 

Even though the girls well Seylah broke two ornaments, it was fun having them around and helping me put the ornaments on the tree. It felt like a hallmark movie, with the little girl being picked up by the dad to put the star on top of the tree, christmas music playing in the background and everyone having a good time.... But it was short lived when the ornaments where done and the girls just kept touching the ornaments, even after I said not to touch it anymore....a hundred times.

My favorite part of it all was when the girls where going down for the night and Emma ran to the tree and said "goodnight christmas tree and gave an ornament a kiss" Now that was super cute and priceless!

Click here to see the before picture

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 19

I am thankful for my husband! After 7 years of marriage we are more in love with each other now than before. Is not easy at times, but love is a choice a decision not just a feeling.

I have been reading this book called "What a husband needs from his wife" and it has opened my eyes to so much. I'm learning how as a wife I'm Jay's helper. You know that saying "Behind every successful man there is a woman" Well it's kinda what wives are suppose to do, is our roles as wives. And other people other woman may think otherwise, however God was specific in our role as wives in Proverbs 31. Although the Proverbs 31 women has pretty big shoes for me to fill, however slowly but surly with God's strength I will some day.

So thank you Lord for my wonderful husband!

Monday, November 18, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 18

Mondays are more like my Saturdays, because is when we can spend time together.
I'm thankful for family time, watching Christmas movies eating pumpkin pie and jibarito for dinner. Haven't had that in a while. So grateful for the family God has given me a great husband and two wonderful little girls!

Because I have been focus on being thankful this month, I just want to take sometime to talk about you girls and the things you have been doing...before I forget.

Emma you have been saying the word "nevermind" and using it properly. You are such a big girl and so independent, you like to say I, I, I do it! You also like to unpunish Seylah when she is in time out. And then you tell us "Seylah is going to listen okay mami" It's funny but frustrating. You also like to cuddle sinatra and you say he's your doggy and that he loves you.

As for you Seylah you are a funny little girl. You make us laugh all the time with the noises you make and the gestures you do. When you get upset, you say gibberish things and you throw a tantrum. But is a funny thing to see....I should record it one day. You can be sensitive to others too. When I get hurt you say "you okay..sowy" and then you give me a tiki (kiss). And how can I forget...when you talk you add a T at the end of your word to almost everything you say or just emphasize on the t a bit more sounding like a "ch". LOL When I told your daddy to pay attention to that, now that's all we hear. Is so cute!
And your new thing is jumping off the bed, jumping off the couch, off the bench, the chair, pretty much everything that has just a little high to it.
You have been....well both you and Emma have been really stubborn and testing your limits with me! Not listening is one of your downfall, that just means more punishment for you both. But it still doesn't stop you both from doing what I tell you not to do. Sometimes I feel like a broken record. Anyways that's for another day.

That's all I can remember right now!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 17

Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT

Great sermon today about the people of Israel who were slaves in Egypt. After God saved them, they complain about the food, mind you the free food "manna" that God provided everyday day for them.

Funny thing is that we do the same we complain and we forget that God delivered us from something in our lives.

In Philippians 4:12-13 Paul writes this..I know what is is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all things through him who gives me the strenght.

What some people may not know is that he wrote this while in prison, and further more back then when people were in prison, they had no bed, no where to use the lou, sometimes they were shackled with both hands raised standing on a wall for months. So when Paul says "he can be content in little or much" it's kinda a slap in the face for those who take for granted the freedom that we have now.

I know I take things for granted sometimes. And this month writing how thankful I am for something each day I think has helped me reach a little bit more that place of content!

So I thank God for what He has done in my life, what He's doing, what He will do for me and through me.

I leave you with this;
"It is not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them; that is the true measure of our thanksgiving."  W.T. Purkiser

Saturday, November 16, 2013

30 Days of Thanksgiving Day 14, 15 and 16

Day 14

I thank God I was able to recover these few days! Being at home without the girls gave me a break to just relax and be with me which as a mom I don't get that often almost at all. But I so wanted to go on with my little projects around the house, I just didn't have the strength and the ability to do so :( bummer. It's okay though I'll continue when I'm all better.

Day 15

I thank God that I have my girls back! I loved my mommy time, but I didn't know what else to do with myself LOL. I miss them so much, it was priceless seeing there faces happy to see me. Emma gave me the biggest hug and kiss and while hugging she said "i miss you mami" Oh it just melted my heart! Seylah just said mami, but didn't want to give me hugs and kisses. Sounds like her LOL!
It's good to have my girls back!

Day 16

I thank God for Christmas music and movies to put me in the Christmas spirit....since it's kinda hard to feel christmassy when there is no snow, and the cold is miles and miles away....regardless that doesn't stop me from drinking hot chocolate and crackers with butter....mmmmm! Thank God for that too! :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 12 and 13

Day 12 

I give thanks to God everyday for the things I have like a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs and food on the table. But when you start writing everyday on being thankful for something specific that just makes you think how awesome God is, that he takes care of us, even in the little things! So I thank God for nice quiet hot bath with no little people opening the bathroom door and just me the water and "beauty and the beast" the tv show! How good it feels to have quiet time all to yourself! Is always good to have when all day I interact with the little people in my life. Which I love and miss, but I'm enjoying what I normally don't have everyday. So thank you Lord for this time! Mommy time always good for the soul,

Day 13

So because I'm focusing on the little things in life today I thank God for internet! When we first moved in to this apartment I had to go to the club house to use internet and how inconvenient for me because the girls where just to loud over there and sometimes I wanted to use it longer than 10 min... you know wanting to brows pinterest in 10 min is impossible. So I'm soooooo happy that we have internet! Life is just much easier with it! Remember when internet didn't exist?! Wow we have come a looooong way. So thank you Lord for technology and the world wide web!

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 11

Today I'm grateful that the pain on my back and neck is going away a bit. And thankful that my sister was able to take care of my girls until I'm better.
They have been gone now for an hour and I already miss them. Sure they drive me crazy, and sure is nice to have alone time or mami time, regardless I miss them tons, and that's just an hour.....I could imagine (actually I know) what a few more days will do to me. :'(
Can't wait to feel all better and have our girls back home together!
Until Friday.....maybe sooner: )

Sunday, November 10, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness Day 7, 8, 9, 10


1.a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household.
the children of a person or couple.
"she has the sole responsibility for a large family"
synonyms:children, little ones, youngsters; More
a person or people related to one and so to be treated with a special loyalty or intimacy.
"I could not turn him away, for he was family"
I am grateful for my family! We fight, argue, disagree on things but we are always there for each other no matter what!
I love my family!

Day 8

I Am grateful for beautiful Florida weather. When my other family in Illinois is stuck with cold days...I Am able to enjoy a nice day at the park with the chanclas! :) 

Day 9

OMG I Am thankful that I have my sister and my niece over for the weekend! It was supposed to be a fun day for all of us to celebrate my niece's birthday, but it turned out to be a day for me to be almost in bed rest and at least she and my sister went out to have some fun at SeaWord.
But I Am soooooo grateful that they are here to help me take care of my family while I recover from my back and neck!
Love you sisi!

Happy Birthday Yarelita!

LOve yOu both so much!

Day 10

Feeling a bit better today, but the pain is unbearable sometimes. However I thank God for my families prayers and for medication!!!!!!! Reality check has kicked in and I really gotta start taking care of my self better, I don't have the same body as I used to soooo, gotta start taking my vitamins again and the calcium that the girls took from me :) Giving birth to a baby is not easy, but I don't know which one is birth or what comes after.....(maybe after!) Thinking I should change the title of this blog to 1dog and 2 crazy girls LOL!
Anyways I went of my subject so back to thanking God for pills! :)