Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Princess Emma is 4 can a number mean so much?

Four years that God has bless us with such a beautiful, bright, spunky, sweet, funny, special little girls.

Is crazy how four years have gone by in a flash!

My Emma I am so proud to be your mom, I know you are only four years old today but there is something so special about you. And I know that God is guiding your steps and mines too because I have the privilege to teach you and guide you according to God's word.

So here's a little prayer on your day...

For your special day I didn't go all out like I normally do, but I did do something small. And I know that you wanted the frozen theme. 

I do feel bad that I didn't do much for Seylah, but she's still to small to understand. 

Although you girls where fighting "is my birthday" no is mine" yeah that went on for a while :)

I invited your little neighbors and Elliott's family to come sing happy birthday and eat cake.

Small and simple....and less messy for me :)

Happy Birthday my sweet girl!
Love you 2 the moon and beyond!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

What mamma loves!

What I love about you girls;


I love it when I get hurt and your concern about me, you say "you okay mami"3x
I love how much energy you have
I love the way you smile, even when I can have a serious face and I smile just a little at you...your smile is bigger than life :)
I love the way you talk, you can't pronounce everything but you sound so cute
I love your laughter and smiles
I love your stories and how then end you say" aaand thens" but you're trying to say "the end"
I love that when I cry you give me a hug and are gentle with me
I love it when you say your little routine before bedtime "a blanket, mami a kiss" then you hug me, and you say those sweet sweet words "mami i love you too much"
I love it when you want me to hold you, you say "I wanna hold you"
I love it when you say "I want mama's bed"
I love how sporty you are, you love to run and play rather than watch TV
I love it when you show your sister love and give her hugs....which can be rare sometimes
I love it when you ask for papi after a weekend of spending time with him
I love it when you say I wanna see a muffi which means "movie" LOL
I love how beautiful you are
I love the song you made about brushing your hair
I love how much you like singing
I love how wild you can be
I love it when I ask "what are you doing?" you say "nothing" even when i don't ask you say "nothing" that's when I know your doing something you're not supposed to. lol
I love you just as you are


I love how sweet you are
I love how caring you can be to Seylah and your little friends
I love how I can see a leader in you already
I love it when you share with your sister even when at times I don't even require it out of you
I love your love language which is being affectionate
I love it when you want me to hold you and cuddle you up and you rub your face on my face
I love how much you love your daddy
I love how special you are
I love how smart you are
I love how beautiful you are
I love how much you want to learn
I love how you love your sister so much that when I seperate you to go to sleep you cry and say "that's my sister i miss her, she wants to sleep with me"
I love how you protect your sister
I love how you like to draw and color (maybe you'll be a little artist like me :)
I love how quiet and still you can be
I love it when you like to play pretend
I love how you light up about the little things
I love how grateful you are for any gift that is given to you
I love it when you thank me after washing your stuff bunny
I love it when you are grateful when I make a dress for you
I love how you like to bake with me and you say "can I help you mami" One time you said "let me know if you need any help...okay" LOL
I love it when you ask me "did i listen?" After we leave a store
I love you just as you are

Well that's just a little that I can remember, I know there is much more :)

I love you girls forever and ever
2 the moon and beyond!

Moms' Night Out

I just finished watching the movie "Moms' Night Out"

I totally need a moms' night out....maybe not as crazy as the movie, but definitely with no little girls around. :)

I could utterly relate to the main character named Allyson played by Sarah Drew.
Through the whole movie I was saying "that is me, that is me, that is me"!

Like Allyson all I wanted to be when I was little was a I Am a mom today and

I'm not happy!

I'm not enough!

I'm a failure!

I've said it so many times in my head that I actually believe it.

My throat tighten and my vision got blurry as the tears began to fall down my face when Allyson said to the biker/tattoo guy Bones played by Trace Adkins "I Am not enough"

This is me?! I AM not enough, not for my husband, or my girls or my sisters, my parents....

IAm not enough for me!!!!

I realize this has got to stop, my talking down to myself has got to stop and I gotta begin to speak life into my life not distruction....of course it will take time, but for now this is a start.

I AM enough.....for God!

And that should be good enough for me.

I know as a mom I'm probably not the only one who goes trough this, who thinks this way.
Our kids drive us nuts, to the point where you actually think your going crazy...and to an extent I think is a little true. LOL
We try to do and take care of everything, we stress ourselves out! Even for the little stuff.

And for some homemakers is rough to balance everything.

Homemaker or not we can't do it all.

I think as soon as we realize that.....we would be in a much better place, mentally and emotionally.

I know God has something in store for me. I can feel it, I can start seeing the change!

And I can't wait!

So if you are a mom and you haven't seen "Moms' Night Out" You've gotta see it!

And if like me you put yourself down with your own words and thoughts....

You gotta stop!

Speak life into your life, speak God's truth, stop your stinking thinking!

But we can't do it alone, not only do we need our heavenly Father's help, but we need to share what we are going through with other women, other believers.

I have been praying to God for a Godly friendship to come along.....after a year I believe God has answered my prayer and doubled it up :)

God is good!!!!

As women we need that kind of friendship, the ones that lift you up when you're down, and speak life into you, encourage and help you enjoy this journey called life.

At the end of the movie they focus in on the kids and sometimes that is how I look at my girls..... I do what I do for them, because they are the future and is my responsibility to bring them up right!

Our jobs as moms........Is Important!

And our kids are all worth it!

Before I say goodnight I want to pray a little prayer for me and if you can relate then by all means pray with me!

Heavenly Father I come before you Lord asking you to show me how to take control of my mind. Your word says we must learn to bring every thought into captivity. So help me Lord and remind me that I don't have to entertain those nasty thoughts in my head and replace them with your truth! As I read your Word, may it reveal any wrong thinking in me. May your Word be so etched in my mind that I will be able to identify the enemies lies. You have given me authority over all the power of the enemy as your Word says in Luke 10:19, and so I command the enemy to get away from my mind. I refuse to listen to lies. 
Thank You, Lord, that I have the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16). Let your thoughts be my thoughts, show me where I have filled my life with anything that is ungodly. Help me to think upon what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely of good report, virtuous, and praiseworthy (phil 4:8) I lay claim to the sound mind that You have given me (2 Tim 1:7) In Your name I pray....Amen!

 PS Please share your thoughts with this mamma! :)