What I love about you girls;
I love it when I get hurt and your concern about me, you say "you okay mami"3x
I love how much energy you have
I love the way you smile, even when I can have a serious face and I smile just a little at you...your smile is bigger than life :)
I love the way you talk, you can't pronounce everything but you sound so cute
I love your laughter and smiles
I love your stories and how then end you say" aaand thens" but you're trying to say "the end"
I love that when I cry you give me a hug and are gentle with me
I love it when you say your little routine before bedtime "a blanket, mami a kiss" then you hug me, and you say those sweet sweet words "mami i love you too much"
I love it when you want me to hold you, you say "I wanna hold you"
I love it when you say "I want mama's bed"
I love how sporty you are, you love to run and play rather than watch TV
I love it when you show your sister love and give her hugs....which can be rare sometimes
I love it when you ask for papi after a weekend of spending time with him
I love it when you say I wanna see a muffi which means "movie" LOL
I love how beautiful you are
I love the song you made about brushing your hair
I love how much you like singing
I love how wild you can be
I love it when I ask "what are you doing?" you say "nothing" even when i don't ask you say "nothing" that's when I know your doing something you're not supposed to. lol
I love you just as you are
I love how sweet you are
I love how caring you can be to Seylah and your little friends
I love how I can see a leader in you already
I love it when you share with your sister even when at times I don't even require it out of you
I love your love language which is being affectionate
I love it when you want me to hold you and cuddle you up and you rub your face on my face
I love how much you love your daddy
I love how special you are
I love how smart you are
I love how beautiful you are
I love how much you want to learn
I love how you love your sister so much that when I seperate you to go to sleep you cry and say "that's my sister i miss her, she wants to sleep with me"
I love how you protect your sister
I love how you like to draw and color (maybe you'll be a little artist like me :)
I love how quiet and still you can be
I love it when you like to play pretend
I love how you light up about the little things
I love how grateful you are for any gift that is given to you
I love it when you thank me after washing your stuff bunny
I love it when you are grateful when I make a dress for you
I love how you like to bake with me and you say "can I help you mami" One time you said "let me know if you need any help...okay" LOL
I love it when you ask me "did i listen?" After we leave a store
I love you just as you are
Well that's just a little that I can remember, I know there is much more :)
I love you girls forever and ever
2 the moon and beyond!