Like I promised I told you I will start God's little explorer with you this week and here we are!
The night before I hid some little treasures.....
the bible, your crayons, markers and glue. And with little wood sticks that I taped together with clear tape placed them where you can find your treasure.....(X marks the spot)
We made binoculars with two empty toilet paper roll and we were off on a hunt to find your treasures!
You were so excited and having fun that in the midst of searching you reached out to me and said "I love you mami"
Oh how that brought a smile to my inner soul!
And so we continued to search until we had all the treasures. You learned a new bible verse with the ABC bible verse. X "May I never boast eXcept in the cross of our Lord Christ Jesus." Galatians 6:14
And so here we embark on our 27 week journey of exploring God's word and wonders!
Here is to you my little explorer.

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